Privacy Policy


  1. I, the Data Subject, agree that by downloading the PayRemit app, and continuing to use it means that I accept and agree to be bound the terms stipulated herein, including the Data Privacy Statement.
  2. I hereby agree that all Personal Data (as defined under the Data Privacy Law of 2012 and its implementing rules and regulations), customer data and transaction information or records (collectively, the "Information") may be processed, profiled or shared to, by and between Ventaja International Corp., and any of its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively “PayRemit”), its merchants, clients, agents or any government authority as mandated by law.


  1. General
    1. The Data Subject agrees that the use or continued use of any of PayRemit App’s features, products and services shall be deemed as the Data Subject's acceptance and agreement to be bound by the provisions of this Data Statement.
    2. From time to time, it is necessary for a Data Subject to allow PayRemit to undertake processing, profiling and sharing of Personal Data, customer, transaction or account data and information (collectively, the "Information") in connection with the regular conduct of its business or that of its merchants / clients (collectively, the "Services").
    3. Failure to supply the Information to PayRemit, and allow PayRemit to utilize this Information may result in PayRemit being unable to provide or maintain the Services to the Data Subject.
    4. The Data Subject agrees that Information of the Data Subject may be processed, profiled and shared in and to any country/jurisdiction as PayRemit considers appropriate or necessary, as described below. Such Information may also be processed, profiled and shared in accordance with the local practices and laws, rules and regulations (including any regulatory requests, governmental acts and orders) in such country/jurisdiction.
  2. Description of the Information to be entered into the System

      From time to time, PayRemit may collect directly from the Data Subject, or from the Data Subject’s usage and buying behavior within the App, or from third-party sources like social media networks, and enter the data into any of its systems for processing, profiling and sharing:

    1. Personal Data about the Data Subject, including but not limited to name, age, address, Social Security numbers, Pag IBIG numbers, Philhealth numbers; background on family members and beneficiaries, which may include names, demographic data, contact details, and transaction activity;
    2. data and information generated in the ordinary course of Data Subject’s use of the PayRemit App including browsing and purchasing behavior, participating in promos, contests, surveys and other information and records generated from these activities; and,
    3. Information from cookies, or other technologies deployed for analysis of visits to, usage and transactions in websites, mobile applications, SMS or the use of any information technology application of and by PayRemit, social media networks, data aggregators and data integrators and other available data sources and the use of the internet.
  3. Scope and Method of Personal Data Processing, Profiling and Sharing

      The scope and method of Personal Data processing by PayRemit cover the following:

    1. "Processing" refers to any operation or any set of operations performed upon Personal Data including, but not limited to, the collection, recording, organization, storing, updating or modification, retrieval, consultation, use, consolidation, blocking, erasure or destruction of data, and outsourcing of these activities. Processing may be performed through automated means, or manual processing, if the Personal Data are contained or are intended to be contained in a system.
    2. "Profiling" refers to any form of automated processing of Personal Data consisting of the use of Personal Data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyze or predict aspects containing that natural person's economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, behavior, location or movements. "Data sharing" or "sharing" is the disclosure or transfer to a third party of Personal Data or Information by PayRemit or its data processors or recipients of the data.
  4. Purpose of Information Processing, Profiling and Sharing

      The Data Subject agrees that the Information may be processed, profiled or shared by PayRemit or any person who has legitimately obtained such data from PayRemit for any of the following purposes (collectively "Permitted Purposes"):

    1. To process payments for various PayRemit clients including but not limited to government institutions like SSS, Pag IBIG and Philhealth, and various ecommerce merchants;
    2. To undertake activities related to the processing of payments including but not limited to transaction validation, customer service, advertising, promotions, surveys, and maintaining and administering an e-wallet;
    3. To fulfil foreign and domestic legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement and compliance requirements (including anti-money laundering requirements).
    4. To verify the identity the Data Subject as required by law.
    5. To operate and control the PayRemit App, the software and hardware required for such an operation, and the platform which connects various merchants, institutions and companies to PayRemit.
    6. To manage PayRemit’s relationship with the Data Subject, which may include providing information about the Data Subject PayRemit’s employees or third party providers;
  5. Classes and Recipients of the Information

      In addition, the Data Subject agrees that the Information may be processed, profiled and shared, to the following entities inside or outside the Philippines (each, a "Data Recipient"), in accordance with any purpose described in the Permitted Purposes:

    1. Any person, agent, broker, adviser, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, mailing, telemarketing, direct sales, telecommunications, call centre, business process, knowledge management, human resource, data processing, information technology, computer, information security, payment, KYC or other background checks, or other services to PayRemit in connection with the operation of the business of PayRemit and the Data Subject;
    2. Any person or entity which is part of PayRemit to the extent necessary to fulfil the relevant Permitted Purpose;
    3. Any person or entity to whom PayRemit is under an obligation or otherwise required to make disclosure pursuant to legal process or under the requirements of any foreign or domestic law, regulation, court order or agreement entered into, binding on or applying to PayRemit, or agreement entered into by PayRemit and any foreign or domestic Authority or between or among any two or more domestic or foreign Authorities, or any disclosure under and for the purposes of any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any Authority, or Industry Organization with which PayRemit is required or expected to comply or participate, or any disclosure pursuant to any contractual or other commitment of PayRemit with an Authority, or Industry Organization, all of which may be within or outside Philippines including disclosure to any Authority, whether such legal process, obligation, request, requirement, agreement or guidance may be existing currently or created in the future;
    4. Any financial institution, processing agent, intermediary, payment infrastructure provider, paying and collecting agent, credit card company, acquiring company, card network,or any other person who will be involved in the transactions;
    5. Third party reward, loyalty, privileges, programs or other related services and/or service or product provider;
    6. The respective subcontractor, assignee, vendor or delegate of each of the above-described person or entity.
  6. Rights of a Data Subject / Amendment of Data Statement
    1. Under and in accordance with the terms of the Data Privacy Act, any individual has the right:
      1. To be informed whether Personal Data is being or has been processed. This includes processing through automated decision-making and profiling;
      2. To require PayRemit to correct any Personal Data relating to the Data Subject which is inaccurate;
      3. To object to the processing of the Personal Data in case of changes or amendments to the Personal Data supplied or declared to the Data Subject;
      4. To access the Personal Data;
      5. To suspend, withdraw or order the blocking, removal or destruction of the Data Subject's Personal Data from PayRemit’s system. It is understood and acknowledged by the Data Subject that where the Data Subject exercises his right set out in this provision, PayRemit reserves its right to Terminate the Services;
    2. The Data Subject hereby agrees that PayRemit may amend and vary this Data Statement and the PayRemit App’s Terms of Use from time to time and that upon notification of such amended Data Statement, the contents thereof shall similarly amend, vary and supplement such Terms of Use and conditions, agreements and/or arrangements aforesaid with effect from the date specified in such amended Data Statement, and without prejudice to the foregoing, the Data Subject's use or continued use of any of PayRemit’s services after such change shall also be deemed as his/her acceptance and agreement to the same.
    3. Nothing in this Data Statement shall limit the rights of Data Subjects under the Data Privacy Act.